We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one Body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. – Disciples of Christ Identity Statement

Shared Beliefs:

  • Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, offering saving grace to all

  • All persons are God’s children

  • Church unity is vital

  • All believers are ministers

  • Each member has a right to freedom of belief

We celebrate Communion each week in all worship services. Communion is open to all who follow Jesus Christ.  In welcoming everyone to the Communion table, we understand that God’s power of love to unite us is greater than any power of division we can create between us.

Marion Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest, a denomination founded in 1832 with 3,500 congregations across the United States and Canada. We are self-governed congregations tied together most notably by our weekly sharing of communion that is open to all who follow Jesus.

The DOC Church Today

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a North American  denomination. North America has long been racially and culturally diverse but church life is not always integrated. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) participates in the racial and cultural diversity of North America, including in its membership European Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Pacific Island/Asian Americans. Disciples are working to become a pro-reconciling anti-racist church. We also have brothers and sisters in Canada who joined our movement with a slightly different history.

We practice unity and inclusion at the Lord’s Table

All are welcome to the Lord’s Table for the sake of mission and for the sake of the world as the one family of God. Most congregations do this by celebrating communion every Sunday. That’s why we use a chalice as our logo.

We practice believer baptism

A person makes the choice to follow God’s call rather than the choice being made for them as an infant. Baptism is the basis of membership in the Church and also a mark that every person is called to serve God – the idea of the “priesthood of all believers.”

We study scripture for ourselves

We are called to study and read scripture for ourselves. Rather than having tests of faith and creedal statements, we critically and thoughtfully study scripture, taking into account the history and background – the context – in which it was written.

Click here to learn more about the DOC Identity at www.disciples.org.