We are “All Systems Go” and we are looking for all to be involved in the church. Whether you are able to pledge monetarily, with your time, or both; we need you. We wouldn’t be the church without you.

Below are the Ministry teams listed out and with a brief description of what each team does or contributes. If you feel at this time joining a ministry team is too much we still have plenty of space for everyone one of us to shine where our talents lie.

Ministry Team Breakdown


Worship – We decorate the sanctuary for all of the church seasons, provide communion and worship supplies, organize worship greeters and communion servers. We are constantly working behind the scenes to enhance the worship services.

If you have interest in: Serving as greeters and ushers on Sunday mornings - all ages and families, sharing a musical talent through special music, participating in the choir or praise team - all ages, assisting with the audio & visual tech support of worship or serving communion; please let us know!

Spiritual Growth & Formation – We provide educational activities from Pre-school through Adult classes. This includes the curriculum for Sunday School, Wednesday Night Oasis, Vacation Bible School/MCC Kids Weekend, and Bible Study groups for adults.


Congregational Care – We provide opportunities for our community of faith to care for others. This includes Sunday morning coffee fellowship time, meals for those going through a life-changing event, providing transportation to someone in need of getting to the store or an appointment, doing small chores for those in need, giving a prayer shawl or baby afghan for comfort and reaching out to new visitors to help them feel welcome.

Congregational Guardianship We ensure that our building and grounds are well maintained, for instance - mowing the lawn and helping with Derecho Recovery. We oversee any contracts in place, insurance policies and expenditures for all operational expenses.


Community Growth & Formation – Connecting our local community to Marion Christian. We help facilitate the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk & Treat and invite the neighborhood to join us for these fun activities. We have been a part of helping during the Mathew 25 Annual Transform Week. We seek to provide educational opportunities such as welcoming in Chains Interrupted for a lunch and learn.

Our Inclusivity Team is a sub-group of the Community Growth & Formation team. We were created to continue our church commitment to being a place that is for all. We have partnered with First Presbyterian Church in Marion to create the Marion Affirming Congregations to extend the reach to our local LGBTQIA+ Community as a show of support and to be a safe haven.

World & Local Missions – Globally we support mission trips to Guatemala to build homes for those in need. In the past years we have worked with the Islamic Center in helping to provide needs of refugees that have been placed here in Cedar Rapids and Marion. Locally we support Back to School back packs, provide food drives for the Marion Food Pantry, snacks for Wilkens Elementary students, Thanksgiving and Christmas family food baskets, Angel Tree gifts for Christmas, along with many local organizations such as: Helping Hands, Central Furniture Rescue, Willis Dady, Habitat for Humanity and so many more.

Please fill out the digital pledge card below. Once completed the form will be sent directly to Patty Wise, our Church Financial Secretary.